A Video Introduction
to Michael

Cited in over 1,000 academic works on additive manufacturing in over 10 languages.

hr/pr is a marketing consultation firm that sees improvements in human resources as the best form of public relations.
Our global society is maturing. Well aware of airbrushing, corporate social responsibility programs and other PR tricks, we are no longer taken in so easily by the slick marketing put out by brands. Sooner or later, the truth about a company's practices are made public and, if those practices are detrimental to society or the planet, we turn away from doing business with that company.
We then turn to do business with those who have a genuine interest in the well being of those they serve. It's not too late for corrupt corporations to make significant, fundamental changes to the way they operate in order to win back the loyalty of their base. That's where human resources comes into play.
By making genuine changes to a business's policies, infrastructure and principles it's possible to turn turn a PR crisis into an HR opportunity.